Originally Posted by ultramarina
They have to "use nice tone, hands to self, use nice words" for only 30 minutes, and the reward immediately follows the 30 minute time period. They get only 2 warnings and then "so sorry", no treat or book, whatever. It's the 30 minutes and positive reward that does the trick.

30 minutes...interesting. We have used longer-term reward systems, but nothing this short.

I agree that it's good to learn to socialize with many types of people, but at the end of the day, it can also be tiring and isolating. You need someone who "gets" you. I think we are still those people for DS. I hope things will be better next year when he moves to the gifted school, but he's not necessarily into typical gifted boy stuff.

We do 20 minutes and they still struggle! It really does help, though.

I hope he finds his tribe soon.