first thing - it is not the school's decision to decide if homeschooling is a good idea or not. So I would not include them in the decision, especially as they seem to be indicating that she is not doing well now.

If you are able to homeschool for the rest of the school year, I am curious - what would be the reasons your husband would be against it? You may be seeing asynchronous development here - but - have you talked to your child to see if your DD feels that she is too tired? Sometimes "losing her spark" can have a different root cause than you think - so it is important to see what she thinks. Is it because she is tired or is it because the system/class is not working as expected?

I had stressed over DS starting a full day school at 4 (a GT program), but he adjusted to the schedule, and he was way happier there than at his daycare - and although he would be tired by the end of the week, he proclaimed that what he loved was how they keep learning new things every day. If he had stayed at his daycare and did their private K (which he was entered before we switched programs), he would have lost his spark due to the daily toll of being in an environment that did not suit him at all. We saw signs of that in just the one week he was in there before the other school started their year.

If it is physical fatigue, definitely homeschool is probably a good idea. Otherwise, you want to tease out what is really the problem.