We have been homeschooling or ds8 since we pulled him out of school part way through first grade. He is 2e and we were setting serious regression with his signs of autism. Funny thing, when I stopped sending him to school I got to joyfully cancel all his appointments I had made trying to get him back into therapy, because he recovered almost immediately. The stress of school was causing the regression. I am pretty comfortable most of the time with unschooling, however my husband is less so. We do some more formal activities because of that, and I like having my son participate in summer science day camps and such. It takes a little of the burden off of me.

He is doing well. Sometimes I wish he would make different choices in terms of his current interests... (I have tired of Minecraft by now) but I try to support him while encouraging and sometimes coercing him too branch out. In terms of academics, he is above grade level in everything but written expression anyway. I do enjoy our lifestyle nowadays. I can't fathom going back to public school life although sometimes I fantasize about a program where I could send him just for a couple hours a few days a week that was interesting and fulfilling and where he could be with other kids that he has more in common with. He is the odd man out a lot.