I've been homeschooling DS 9 for two years.

K and 2/3 of 1st - private school (with grade acceleration in 1st - complete disaster)

Last 1/3 of 1st, 2nd and 3rd homeschooling

Overall it has been going really well. We live in a highly populated homeschool area so there are so many learning opportunities for DS to take advantage of. Fortunately there are also many gifted homeschoolers in the area too so there are many advanced courses he can take with live teachers and students--we haven't found the need to do any online classes.

The drawbacks are that we run around a lot and I feel drained a lot of the time and don't have a lot of "me time." That is probably a choice I am making but I want him to have the best and there are just so many great classes and field trips and programs to participate in. In all honesty, participating in all the classes also serves to not to have to devise a curriculum because I mostly just piggyback on what he is learning in his classes and we spend a lot of home time doing the assigned homework. As we've been going along, I am finding more curricula that I am interested in using so if we homeschool next year I already have a language arts and math curriculum that I want to use. I think we will do more at home next year as I'm exhausted! :-) Currently though, we are looking into a Montessori school and a county gifted center for 4th and 5th. We may look into the math/science middle school magnet for 6-8th but who knows! I agree with a PP that it is more work to advocate for my child than I care to involve myself in. That is MUCH more exhausting than homeschooling will ever be. Wish he could have a solid (gifted) peer group though.

Last edited by StephanieF; 03/31/15 10:20 PM.