We've homeschooled DD9 one from the beginning, other than preschool. We had her privately tested when she was almost 7, hoping to advocate for a grade skip, along with some adjustment issues. The private tester (who specializes in gifted kiddos) told us that the two worst things we could do were 1. put her in a regular classroom, or 2. "unschool" her.

We really already knew our local schools wouldn't meet her needs because she is the youngest of four, and we spent an enormous amount of time advocating for the first three.

This is our 5th year of official homeschooling. THIS WEEK is the first week we've felt like we've hit our stride. I really wish there was a private school that would meet her needs, but there is not. Even if there were, she never would have discovered her love of languages (she does 2) or her love of recreational math.

If I had it to do over again, I would have worried much less until she was about 6 or so. At that point you can placement test into whatever curriculum you decide to use.