We've been un/homeschooling ds9 for three years now. I have one of those energetic, high maintenance, sensory kids too. Yes, it's exhausting some days. Yes, been quite a rough ride some days. No, I did not plan on homeschooling. We had exhausted our options. Homeschooling is definitely the least-worst option for us.

There are ZERO g/t services in our district and I've been told that ds would get nothing from the public schools - except probably a front row seat in the principal's office every day due to his behavior (which would be due to extreme boredom).

Pre-K (NYC and MA) - 1st year - public school, integrated special needs program - as a special needs student. NYC, they do not red shirt kids based on late birthdays; in MA, they do.

Pre-K (MA) - 2nd year - ditto, plus private gifted school #1 (traditional, structured) and private gifted school #2 (Montessori-type, unstructured)

K - nearly full year at private gifted school #2 before ds completely melted and we had withdraw him from the school

1-3 grades - un/homeschooled - 1st year - loosely followed general curriculum series (based on an expert's advice); 3rd yr - ds has been taking courses online