Grades K-1, full time public school
Grades 2-3 (first half of 3), part time public school
Grade 3 (second half of 3), sweet, sweet full time homeschooling

We transitioned from part time to full time homeschooling just a few months ago. It has been glorious in almost every way. DS is so darn happy, I keep asking myself, "Why didn't we do this earlier?" (But the answer is, "DS wasn't ready" - I can live with that.) He is all over the place with grade levels, like any highly asynchronous child. He works on his passions and strengths with delight (and some days I have to restrict his hours on these topics, otherwise he will work until he passes out at midnight). He works on the stuff he hates too. I get very little resistance though because it is just that much better to do those subjects at home.

Honestly, DS is like a different kid, in a lot of ways since we started the full time hsing. I'm surprised myself with the change I see in him. Was he really stifled that much in public school - even just attending part time? I think, yes. He has put those intellectual wings up high in the air and spread them waaaaayyyy out. He even gets along so much better with his siblings.

So, we are definitely sticking with this for now and will do this as long as it works for all involved. I'm beyond grateful that we can do this for him.