Here's why I'm skeptical about Carol Dweck:

In one study, we taught students ... some math history, namely stories about great mathematicians as geniuses who easily came up with their math discoveries. This alone propelled students into a fixed mindset. It sent that message: There are some people who are born smart in math and everything is easy for them. Then there are the rest of you. For the other half of the students, we talked about the mathematicians as people who became passionate about math and ended up making great discoveries. This brought students into a growth mindset. The message was: Skills and achievement come through commitment and effort. It’s amazing how kids sniff out these messages from our innocent remarks.

I would be grateful if someone could name even one mathematician who sat down after lunch one day, created and wrote up a major discovery by tea time, and then went off to the back-patting machine for some well-earned praise.

The thing is, when you have to make a point by lying, you really never had a point to make to begin with.