Originally Posted by Dude
IQ alone can't solve calculus problems.

No here has said that it can. confused But the same is true of lack of IQ alone, except that 10,000 hours of practice still won't get some people through trigonometric substitution.

Talent matters, and people who try to wish that fact away by dismissing it in favor of lies about invariant outcomes of hard work are spoonfeeding a cruel lie to children. And these same people bleat that they're "giving everyone a chance," and that anyone who disagrees is obviously biased.

So we end up pushing students into courses they're not ready for or capable of, and we find ways to give them extra credit to compensate for low test scores. That way, everyone can get a good grade in geometry by "working hard." And we produce thousands of kids every year who graduate from high school with honors and promptly fail the math and English placement tests before they start their first semester of college.