Thank you for all of the wonderful suggestions and also for the support. Our preschool director loves the school that my son was accepted at but also says that he will thrive anywhere because he is so bright and enthusiastic and because he has such involved parents. Even occasional visits to these boards have convinced me that is not necessarily true but I'm trying to keep an open mind. I have talked with many families at the school he will be attending and most of them are very happy there.

I'm not sure if my son will end up being 2e. His uneven scores certainly suggest that we need to keep an eye on him. I think that will become clearer in the next couple of years.

We are willing to move to the Peninsula at some point if we have to BUT now we both work in San Francisco (and have commutes of 10-15 minutes)and we have been in our apartment for years and the rent is way below market value. We can get by with one [old] car. It is actually cheaper to stay in our place and pay for private school than it would be to relocate and buy even a very modest home (plus another car) and send our kids to public school. And then we wouldn't even have the option of switching to private school if the public school didn't end up working out because we couldn't afford it.