That would be luck-of-the-draw, wouldn't it?

Have you tried practicing karmic yoga for this? I hear that this is one of the paths to enlightenment.


I am evidently dooming my daughter to a (future) life of left-handedness with early college. eek

Originally Posted by Dr. Steiner, via
A teacher: Should the children be broken of left-handedness?

Dr. Steiner: In general, yes. At the younger ages, approximately before the age of nine, you can accustom left-handed children to right-handedness at school. You should not do that only if it would have a damaging effect, which is very seldom the case. Children are not a sum of things, but exponentially complicated. If you attempt to create symmetry between the right and left with the children, and you exercise both hands in balance, that can lead to weak mindedness later in life.

The phenomenon of left-handedness is clearly karmic, and, in connection with karma, it is one of karmic weakness. Allow me to give an example: A person who was overworked in their previous life, so that they did too much, not only physically or intellectually, but, in general, spiritually, within their soul or feeling, will enter the succeeding life with an intense weakness. That person will be incapable of overcoming the karmic weakness located in the lower human being. (The part of the human being that results from the life between death and a new birth is particularly concentrated in the lower human being, whereas the part that comes from the previous Earthly life is concentrated more in the head.) Thus, what would otherwise be strongly developed becomes weak, and the left leg and left hand are particularly relied upon as a crutch. The preference for the left hand results in a situation where, instead of the left, the right side of the brain is used in speech.


She really wanted to go to college this young. I guess it was a failure in parenting not to put our feet down about it. {sigh}

On the bright side, I suppose that this means that she's got a good future as a left-striker for a youth soccer club in her next life, and those kids are really important for the team.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.