Originally Posted by Tigerle
For some reason the 'read in full context' wasn't working, but I don't see how it could explain that. And a quick google search revealed it does apparently relate to a toy-type object, either a sort of malevolent elf-on-the-self or a benevolent spiritual plaything.

What is it that's not working for you?
When I click 'read in full context' I get a google page saying "that's an error".
Makes perfect sense to me.

I actually got:

Originally Posted by Google
404. That’s an error.

The requested URL {linky-link stuff} was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

Which I found amusing in the extreme, when coupled with the encouraging advice that this nicely 'explained' things in context, after all.

It does, in a sort of metaphysical kind of sense.

I hasten to add that Howl and Finnegan's Wake have also been challenging for yours truly. I'll bet that Gaston understands them both; my, what a guy! I'm feeling intrigued by the notion that a Steiner education could produce such a harmonious, and yet intimidating, specimen of humanity.

In unrelated news, I also have to wonder what sort of Steiner type Ted Nugent is. Probably a Choleric. Must ponder this further.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.