Originally Posted by PanzerAzelSaturn
...you either believe the vaccines work or you don't.

What MegMeg said.

Not believing that vaccines work as advertised is akin to not believing that gravity works as advertised. People can believe what they like, but personal beliefs won't change what will happen if their child ends up falling from a height. Similarly, disbelieving the science behind vaccines is just plain wrong.

The rise of the anti-vax and anti-evolution movements is a huge discredit to our education system. We don't teach people how to analyze information, we don't teach them how to recognize disreputable sources of information (including web sites), and we don't properly teach them what the scientific method is or the importance of using data obtained through rigorous methods (as opposed to anecdotes). And we end up with people who are easily taken in by false information that can harm them (or their kids).

One result of this is that we've had 10,000 cases of pertussis in California so far this year, including 3 dead babies and 80 people in the ICU.
