Originally Posted by Ivy
DD was adamantly against it back then (after 1st) as she was very sensitive about being seen as different. Of course she was also completely miserable in school.
Anyway, the point is that sometimes kids don't want to skip even though, for their own well being, they need to. They have advanced intellect, but not emotional development or life experience to make a fully formed decision. This is of course very different from skipping a child because the parents want it. We judge not based on what she says she wants, but what makes her happier, less anxious, and more comfortable with herself.

This is one reason we delayed skipping my son for so long. He was miserable, we knew he was miserable, but we also knew his best friend was in his current grade and class and he didn't want to skip because of that. (Also, the group of boys in the next grade up weren't a good fit for him. It was a separate HGT classroom, so we knew he would be with those boys for several years.) We did the skip in middle school and even though he's small for his age, and now even smaller because he's with older kids, he's still happier. I think/hope it's going to get better every year now, instead of worse.