When DD was privately tested, they suggested one or more grade skips would be appropriate and perhaps even necessary. The district seemed to think that it would be the end of life as we know it to skip any child for any reason ever.

DD was adamantly against it back then (after 1st) as she was very sensitive about being seen as different. Of course she was also completely miserable in school. We ended up changing schools to a one-year accelerated school and then found an alternative (outside the district) where it was less about grade skipping and more about just, well, skipping along until you hit the level you needed. This defused the 'feeling different' issue.

Anyway, the point is that sometimes kids don't want to skip even though, for their own well being, they need to. They have advanced intellect, but not emotional development or life experience to make a fully formed decision. This is of course very different from skipping a child because the parents want it. We judge not based on what she says she wants, but what makes her happier, less anxious, and more comfortable with herself.