Originally Posted by TripleB
My wife and I are so proud of him but at the same time are seriously worried because, by our own admission, are neither one near as smart as he is and worry that we may actually impede his potential...

TripleB, our DD is turning out to be far more musically talented than both my SO and I put together. I freaked out and cried a few nights last summer because I was so sure DD would suffer because neither of us was competent enough as a musician to help her practice at home past intermediate level.

It turns out, she doesn't need or want help from us. We did find her wonderful teachers. We take care of parenting the best we can and we leave teaching to her teachers.

I just wanted to say, I know exactly how you're feeling but your DS is doing as well as he is now because of all the support his parents have given him thus far. His IQ test result is not going to change that. smile