Thanks for all the helpful comments!

I received a request from the Special School District to attend a "pre-eligibility" conference. The SSD psychologist would like to give me the results ahead of the meeting on December 2nd.

I am still very nervous. DD10 has been evaluated once before, and during that eligibility conference there was only the school psychologist and myself in attendance. Like others have said, it could be a good sign that so many are attending this meeting. This has been an extremely adversarial process, so I am still very worried. It wasn't until the threat of legal action that progress was made towards getting her an evaluation, even after I provided them with outside evaluations and subsequent diagnoses. Prior to her outside evaluation, I was certain for an entire year that she was autistic. I just couldn't get anyone to listen to me or take me seriously. The school made me feel like I was an crazy, irrational, helicopter parent. It was a really exhausting and emotionally draining process. I have never felt so useless and inept in my life.

I am going over the MO state laws on "educational autism" and motor skill impairment. Those are the only two things that I know she will need services for because I have outside evaluations. The occupational therapist called me today and is sending home a "sensory" packet to fill out for DD10. It sounds like she must have found something during her evaluation that she wanted to follow up on. I must admit though, I am not really aware of how this would impact her educational performance. Thanks Indigo for the suggestion. I tend to be very cerebral about most problems, so the more information I have the more prepared I will feel.

The pre-conference is tomorrow, I will hopefully know more then. What I am worried about most is that they will conduct a poor quality evaluation and come back and say there is no evidence of disability! After three years, I think I will lose my mind if I hear those 4 words again!