This is my first time posting. DD10 (4th grade) has been receiving gifted services at her elementary school since 1st grade. She would be considered highly gifted by IQ score. I now know my daughter is 2E and she was just diagnosed with autism after a long 3 year fight with her school. I had to get multiple independent evaluations, all paid for at my expense. DD10 has been diagnosed with the following (so far): Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, Convergence Insufficiency, Accommodative Infacility, Gross and Fine Motor skill delay. I got the evaluations sequentially rather than all at once, because the school refused to evaluate her 4 times over a two year period. Now, after filing complaints, mediation, and multiple meetings concerning what testing to be done, the school is conducting an evaluation. What worries me is the quality of their evaluation. DD10 was evaluated once in 2012 by the school and they found no evidence of disability. I have since invalidated every test they performed with independent testing. Should I be concerned? The school has only agreed to test motor, social/emotional behavioral, and language. What testing would be appropriate in her case? DD10 is struggling in the following areas:
1. Auditory Processing (verbal directions, recall and order of directions)
2. Classroom transitions
3. Behavioral (tantrums, emotional meltdowns)
4. Writing and pencil tasks
5. Sensory Issues
6. Motor skill delays
7. Slow Processing Speed
8. Social Skills
9. Communication
10. Visual Perception problems

Should I follow up with my own independent testing? If so, what would be crucial? I was told by the school if they don't find any area of disability other than motor skills, they would decline to offer her OT therapy in school. Any help navigating this process would be much appreciated!
