meltdowns because she is not as "smart" as my DD, or my DD has information she doesn't, or my DD made something she can't make, or my DD can sing better....the list goes on and on.
a true screaming tantrum, tears, et, with words to the effect that why is my child so much better, different, smarter,...whatever...fill in the blank. The child often states she is dumb. She will also get into my daughter's face and demand to know where she got answers or information from
There are a lot of people trying to help the young girl through this
Some may say this is a microcosm of what is occurring on a societal level.

Unfortunately, much of society's response to date has been to cut down tall poppies. A better response is needed and would be beneficial to all, from the most gifted individual striving to develop her gifts, to the bully who learns to accept that she is a unique individual with her own strengths, talents, and challenges... different not "less than".

Please continue to encourage your daughter to always be/do her best! Understanding and maintaining healthy personal boundaries may be key.