One of the girls is 11 the other 10. It is not physical. It usually manifests itself with the child having a true screaming tantrum, tears, et, with words to the effect that why is my child so much better, different, smarter,...whatever...fill in the blank. The child often states she is dumb. She will also get into my daughter's face and demand to know where she got answers or information from....,so not physical, but she does invade her personal space. It is really distressing to watch.

I am not sure if there really is a jealousy factor or if the child is just trying to bring attention to herself. Personally I think the child is manipulating the situation. She often talks over others and has a hard time waiting her turn. I understand some of this can be attributed to gifted traits, but it is beyond anything I have experience with.

I am worried that my daughter is trying to "mask' her intelligence and personality just so this child won't have a melt down. So instead of being competitive my child will go down the opposite route and try to appease the other child. She holds this all in and is making herself sick about it. It's bullying, plan and simple, even if it doesn't look like it in the traditional sense. I would know what to do about traditional bullying, but this case is above my pay grade.