I live in a reasonably sized city and we do have an organization that runs gifted programs on weekends for both kids. The programs aren't cheap but they do waive or reduce the fees for some kids each session.

For the parents they run free parent discussion nights (great group therapy and networking opportunities) and free info nights that talk about all of the local school board's gifted programs. The association also has representatives that sit on each school board's Special Education Advisory Committee. The committees are made up of school board employees, school trustees and representatives from various groups with a stake in special education (gifted, autism, deaf, visual impaired, Down's, brain injury, LD, etc). My school board has a parent group that organizes speakers (free and includes free babysitting) and gifted education has been a topic in the past.

This isn't gifted specific but our school has a sister school and a percentage of all fundraising goes to them. We also do specific fundraising activities such as buying fruit for their lunch program, a Christmas gift buying program, snowsuit donations, etc..

I'm sure there is more that can be done (for a start all of the above are all in english so that likely excludes some...) but it is a start.