I don't feel comfortable either with the idea of go out to "mentor" other parents - not just in the area of giftedness. I don't feel comfortable for instance discussing breastfeeding with a new mom unless they ask me specifically about it. So I don't know I would feel comfortable discussing what I would recommend to another parent who have a different background and values from me.

The daycare we use is a mix of SES families, and families from very diverse backgrounds. There is one other boy DS's age that DH and I suspect is gifted, and it was a struggle as to whether we should say anything to her because we had no idea if we would be on the same page... And I did broach the topic, and she knows we are tapping into various gifted resources for our children. And for her, finances and time are so tight that we feel bad about the fact that she won't be able to follow our paths as easily... And we are at a loss as to how to bridge that gap. She is aware of the local resources and frustrations (we are not in the same school district but the little I gleaned, she is aware of the GT options for her district). So I have left it knowing that she has my contact information, and trying to support her when we see her (but since we are both working mothers and on totally different schedules, it is not that often).

But I am not comfortable with anything more because many parents get very touchy over all areas of parenting (and I seen this a lot with nursing vs formula worlds, working vs stay at home mothers - I had a hard time with some of the more militant parents/mothers who are hostile to the idea that there could be other viewpoints - and this is just another area that I don't feel like I want to wade into a hostile us vs them or "my way is better" tone).