$8 seems expensive when a kid is 4 years old...wait and see what she asks for when she is a teen. I am afraid that DD17 will break her softball bat this morning since it is cold. That's $300 for another composite bat. Or crash my car since she took it to the game.

I know that DD17 had troubles with perfectionism when she was little. She still has those tendencies, but it got a lot better by age 7 or 8. She typically has a good sense for how she did on a test. On the other hand, DD19 is not like this at all, and she always thinks she did a fabulous job on every test (but we know to wait for the results). DD10 is somewhere in between, but probably closer to DD17 in terms of test predictions, perfectionism and ability.

All I can say is it got better for DD17. All her weird quirks with clothing seams and food texture got better too. She still sort of has them, but they have lessened and she knows when it is not socially acceptable to bring up that stuff.