Well, children often pretend like they can't do something if they want to get out of doing it. That much is natural. I have seen it more often with a difficult, intricate or tiring task that they prefer to pass off to someone else. In your case, I am a bit concerned by your reference to "without application of great bribery, typically will not read aloud from a book." I don't want to be judgmental and perhaps in your DS' case you had a compelling need to have him read aloud, but the bribery itself is a glaring red flag leading to trouble. Furthermore, I know that Montessori clumps several grades together but I am assuming that your DS is in pre-K although the 5-year-olds must be in K and the 6-year-olds in 1st. Personally, I am uncomfortable with why Pre-K "teachers" would have any need to test a child, particular in the fall. This is probably not what you want to hear, but I would back way off and make sure his daycare providers do the same. If he is at the Step 2 level, he has quite a ways to go (although that can happen very quickly) before he is secured/advanced enough in his reading not to be troubled by prying adults.