DD8 is a perfectionist and I'd've expected this from her. But when it comes to academic stuff, she'll try something once, flail about crying about she can't, and then do it perfectly the next day.

Whereas DS4 is usually a wild child, reckless, mischievous, do-it-on-a-whim sort of child for everything that ISN'T academic. Climb right up the tallest thing on a playground? In a flash. Jump in the pool even thought he knows he can't swim? Done that--2 weeks ago. Bike off a 3-foot retaining wall? check. He said his first words around 8mo, just like DD, but didn't develop great vocabulary or clarity early, and he still gets word tenses screwed up. (Not that I would dare correct him, not after dealing with The World's Biggest Perfectionist Talker for years.)

He DOES like to play the quizmaster, though. He'll ask me all kinds of questions to which he actually knows the answer, or at least most of the answer. Like he's just testing me. "Why doesn't the car fall off the road into space, Mommy?" "Why do you think, DS?" "Oh, because of gravity."x1000.