My kiddo has dyspraxia with a left sided hypotonia but we still knew he was bright. I just didn't really understand he was gifted until much later. We figured out the dyspraxia first.

The only early indicators we had of giftedness were...

When he was 8 months he looked at me and said 'cock a doodle doo' and 'where dada go?' (Then he didn't speak again for months.)

And he smiled at 2 weeks.

He started interacting with books at 4 months. Turning pages and seeking books out independently.

And he was just super alert. People commented on it all the time. He NEVER napped. OMG. NEVER. Didn't sleep much at night either.

I remember the daycare people told me one day the babies were sitting at the table together and all crying except for my kiddo (4 mos). They said he was gaping at the other babies like 'WHAT is wrong with you? This is awesome!' He loved daycare. Loved the stimulation.