DD 2 3/4 from the moment she was born could see clearly. During the entire hospital stay she looked around the room. I know everything that I have read states early infants can't see clearly, but she most definitely could. She would track movements across the room.

When we brought her home one of the first tricks she learned was to get her arms out of the burrito wrap, followed by not letting us wrap her up like a burrito. She spoke her first understandable words at an age that I feel uncomfortable to state. She used the correct words for what she wanted at a very young age, again I do not feel comfortable saying the exact age because it seems almost impossible.

At 5 months she knew her chore was to bring the mail in and give it to her mother for allowance. Of course I carried her to and from the mailbox. She did have the dexterity to put the coins in her bank by herself. She fully understood the cause and effect of Bringing in the mail meant getting to put coins into her piggy bank. Her favorite pass time was to have daddy carry her around showing her the world. At that age she seem almost scary advanced.

Now, even though she does still seem advanced, she does not seem that advanced, except on theses certain occasions when she says something that is absolutely brilliant that reminds me, oh yeah she is smart.