In most cases providing an enriched environment for an infant is not dependant on income (the exceptions being work and poor childcare due to finances and medical/housing problems resulting in too much stress/depression and actual food povery). Babies need to be talked to, interacted with, loved and fed. They don't need expensive classes butthey do need a mother willing and able to mother (or someone else), and preferably a safe place to explore. My oldest didn't learn to roll until 6 months - I had post natal depression, it was winter and the floor was too cold to lie on and we had a rat problem. He learnt shortly after i returned to work and he went to home based care full time. Ds4 learned to roll at 12 weeks or less - i had not post natal depression, the house was warm and sunny with carpet on the floors and no rats. But i always talked to them and cuddled and played with them.

The oldest has a higher IQ.

Last edited by puffin; 04/11/14 08:39 PM.