Game night requires so much from the kids. They had school all day. Does your band feed them supper? Maybe they didn't have his vegetarian meal or whatever. Maybe they have to memorize their music or routines for field time. When they're in the stands during the game, there's a lot of socializing going on (which might be difficult) but they also have to pay attention to the leaders for stand music, and a bit of attention to the game so to be ready for the fight song after a touchdown. Maybe they don't even like football, but have to be there. And it's cold, or hot, and is the uniform keeping them comfortable? Did they run out of water bottles or band treats before he got one? How to find mom's car at the end in the dark? Aargh. It's fun, but it can drain a kid.

I used to ride my bike home from the games (in uniform!) which really helped me release it all. But that was before Friday night lights, they were Saturday afternoon games.

ETA: remember The movie Broadcast News? The gifted news producer did the same thing, so your son is in good company smile

Maybe make a routine out of the end of the game, always park in the same spot, always have a comfort snack (on chilly nights my guys get hot cocoa in a thermos), have music or audio he likes playing. (NPR "Roadside Stories" are just the right length for a car ride) And tissues.

Last edited by NotherBen; 09/19/14 09:37 AM.