My son is 15 and in marching band. He loves it but it is VERY exhausting. Particularly on games days (we have only had one so far) he starts school at 7AM and doesn't get home till at least 10pm those days.

What I suggest is making sure he is getting enough to eat, and drinking enough water. And make sure he gets plenty of sleep the night before. My son is also an introvert and spending all that time around people can be emotionally exhausting. Feeling down after that long day is not all that unusual.

One thing to keep in mind. Teenagers know mom & dad are "safe". (Or at least I hope they do.) He has probably been trying to keep him emotions in check the entire exhausting long day. Let him cry, it's probably good for him. Really it's alright to cry, it a good way to get that emotion out. As long as he is upbeat about band the next day after a good nights sleep I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Starting next week we start the cycle of Friday games for 7 weeks, competitions on Saturdays. This will go through mid November for us. I am right there with you. It's exhausting but for my son it's also the happiest time for him at H.S. and he loves the social group it makes him a part of.

Last edited by bluemagic; 09/19/14 07:19 AM.