DD is in second and has 20 minutes of reading (she reads before bed anyway, and I do the log for her because I want her to read for pleasure), and supposedly a math sheet and spelling work, but the routine is still rather... sputtering this year. The math sheet always takes under 5 minutes. This is the first year we'll have spelling homework. At school DD takes forever and spaces out (copying words ugh) so I'm waiting to see how she does with no distractions at home. If its an issue we'll talk to teacher bc DD always gets 100% on her tests. She loves writing stories and poems using her words. I'm not really adverse to adapting HW. We use a work-based charter; if we used a regular school I'd have no issue just saying no HW for little kids. Mostly the math sheet we've typically had has been absolutely to teach the kids the routine of work, being organized, etc. Busy work, still... But good to get the routine down I guess.