Oh, we've been through this. But with Everyday Math (go outside and count the windows on all the houses in your neighborhood) (gag! that was FIRST GRADE!)

We had handwriting issues too. My dc's both just were not ready to do that much handwriting, pretty much ever. They still hate it but type really well. If your dc uses a keyboard, could she type her homework? Some first grade teachers still insist on handwritten stuff, but if your dc can already read/write, maybe maybe?

The teacher did let us opt out of spelling exercises once dc tested above the 6th grade level in first grade (topped out the test). You could request an assessment -- these sometimes aren't done till October. But the teacher was an older, seasoned teacher, happy to let dc spend time in the library researching rather than in the classroom.

I wish you good luck. Wish I had more help to offer! We homeschool now, because eventually the busy work and low level work ground us down.