I did speak to a mom at our school whose son has obvious focus and organization issues and the whilst he does not qualify for a 504 accommodation, he did get an aide to help him out for a couple of hours a day, and he was given an extra desk next to his to help organize all his stuff.

This would actually be really good to have, but I am not sure if this will be given if we ask for it smile

Do you see these organizational challenges at home as well?

Not really, unless it is a brand new task he has to learn. I literally have to break it up into very tiny task segments and make sure he understands and can do it. We do a fair bit of repetition together (this is so unlike math, where he gets it immediately) and then he is able to do it on his own. But he does have to work at it; it does not come easily to him

He does well with lists -- I give 3 things at a time, once those are done, another set of 3 things is given. But, it would never occur to him to do it on his own (without a list), just because it is routine. This part worries me.

Moreover... how is his EF when he's at home and doing things that have nothing to do with school?

It is okay, for the most part. I tell him verbally what he is expected to do, and if it is a task he has done multiple times before, he does it. However, if it is a brand-new task, he has to be walked through all the steps, for a fair bit of time, till it becomes "almost routine".

Your DS is daydreaming, due to boredom.
My child has actually told me he is thinking of other things (whatever his interests are), even though he knows he should not be thinking of other things. He says he can't help think of other things. This part worries me as well.