Right. Like why teach a kid to evaluate sources or think critically when you can just tell them to mindlessly follow whatever their teacher tells them even when it is obviously wrong.
I have to stop or I will really go off on a rant but goodness. People who think they are infallible are a menace to society.
How did you even manage to keep a straight face listening to this garbage?

I did tell her that I thought common core was a lot about critical thinking. I also told her that I want my kid to be able to back up his statements in regular life. But, she did not agree -- she said, by that, I am somewhat undermining her authority.

There may be other situations when "correcting" a teacher is not so helpful, for example if it's a matter of opinion, or if the teacher is making an oversimplification of a topic that is appropriate for the audience within time constraints.

This is one of the things that I am trying to teach my child. That it is not really helpful to correct anyone, if it is just an opinion. Or, if the person missed out details that my child may deem important. To be honest, he does point out details that someone may have missed. I am working on how to do this in a more appropriate way. He seems to learn best during discussions, visits to places where he is allowed to talk and ask questions or while reading books/watching educational videos. He really does not respond very well to do/write this, 'because I said so'.

I will keep working on it. Hopefully, with time, he will improve.