I have been lurking and following some of the posts, but not as much as I would have liked.

Has anyone's child experienced severe organizational difficulties in the classroom ? Examples -- put things away, take things out etc. My child had issues with doing work, completing work till end of 1st grade. Second grade is much better, he seems to focus on work and get it done. However, his teacher says he is still lagging behind when instructions are given (there is a lag before he starts following through), and does not look to see what the other kids are doing. The other challenge is the organizational difficulties. I have another appointment scheduled (follow-up to the appointment in July), and I was wondering if there was a specific test they could do to see where the challenges are.

Also, as far as the school is concerned, what supports typically do they offer to kids who are organizationally challenged at early elementary grades ? I would like to know your experiences

He's doing very well academically. Tests seem to motivate him a lot, and he seems driven to do his very best. He also likes learning, so we do a lot of afterschool learning. *I* am still concerned about dysgraphia, but the person we are seeing ruled it out

Thanks in advance.