There is a large disconnect between what is reported for scholarships awarded and what will actually be used by the students. Our newspaper publishes the scholarships for local students, but you can see that many of them are mutually exclusive.

For example, one of this year's local students was awarded $12,107 nonresident waiver for Utah State University, $9000/yr renewable from the University of Arizona, $8500/yr renewable from Baylor University, $3000/yr FLC Merit Scholarship, $2500/yr renewable CSU Alliance Partnership award, $2000 FLC First Generation, $7500/yr renewable Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award, and $6000 in miscellaneous scholarships from local banks and organizations.

It says she is going to Utah State, so Arizona, FLC and Baylor money is out the window. I *think* the CSU Alliance thing is something among certain colleges that trade money around, so she may be able to use that -- I'm not close enough yet to have made a study of that one. But that's a lot adding to the total reported scholarships for our local schools, and much of it won't be used.