Originally Posted by Quantum2003
I can't speak for them, but I assume that neither the GT nor the Honors track students would feel discrimination because the point of AVID in our district is to improve those students who couldn't qualify for the GT or honors tracks so that despite their "low beginnings" they end up taking an honors course or two or even an AP course by their Junior or Senior years. (emphasis added)
Some may say that is an interesting re-framing of the question, as the original focus was related to "a ton of scholarship money" you stated is awarded to these students... by participation in a program which you describe as excluding gifted students. You did not describe any similar support programs/services leading to provision of scholarships to gifted, therefore both the support services and "a ton of scholarship money" seem to provide advantage or privilege to the AVID students? Might some of the gifted students feel badly that they are denied access to the program which you describe as providing leading to "a ton of scholarship money"?

Additionally some may say it is wise not to assume. smile

Last edited by indigo; 08/09/14 04:31 AM. Reason: clarity