Okay, it's idle curiosity at this point at I have two rising 6th graders. However, I cannot but marvel as the changing landscape. It is truly astonishing how tuition has more than quadruple at certain colleges over the last three decades. However, the astronomical rise in college costs has been endlessly debated already. What struck me today is actually the crazy rise in "scholarship" funds. In our district, the seniors received $150 million dollars in scholarship funds last year, which translates to over $20,000 per graduate. Obviously, many students did not receive any scholarships and some students receives hundreds of thousands in scholarship funding. In any case, $150 million is huge for just one school district. Obviously, a good portion of that funding is not awarded by specific colleges. However, even taking that into account, I cannot help but be struck with the thought that much of that "scholarship" would not be necessary or feasible were it not for the crazy price tags at even the typical college. What are your thoughts?

Last edited by Quantum2003; 08/04/14 11:57 AM.