Notsogifted, thanks for clarifying. I do get your point now. I don't believe our district offers many ap classes in high school, so not sure if that is because of lack of funding or lack of students who would take them. Also I think I see your point on being ahead and it's meaning. I did my schooling outside US and the math curriculum in my home country is about 1.5 to 2 years ahead of math curriculum here. So I guess it is all relative. The thing with dd is she has learnt all of the math she knows with no formal Instructions. So I can see the difference but maybe educators cannot.

Aufilia, I LOVE your suggestion. School does provide subscription for all kids. I can send in an iPad and dd can easily navigate the site as she has done it at home. Plus, with the site, you can hit on the speaker and have the computer read the question to you. I will definitely add that to my list.

I do have a meeting setup with dd's current private school teacher next week so keeping my fingers crossed about that option as well.