Wesupportgifted, your last statement is spot on. We moved to the district mainly for the "good" school district and we pay a lot in property taxes to live here. It is very disturbing that the school is not even willing to just listen to my side.

ultramarina, I would not have approached the school on my own but when they gave us this questionnaire,I felt it as appropriate to list that math is DD's strength. I did not use any words such as advanced, gifted, needs enrichment/acceleration etc. I kept it matter of fact. DD is social but likes to see everyone happy. She will never show what she knows (to people outside close family) until she is put in a situation where she has to. She is a goof and hides her abilities pretty well. Her current teacher still does not know that she can read! I am working with her on this but she also needs my help to speak up on her behalf. Granted, I do not do a great job at that myself as I am similar to her.