If and when the school gets back to me and if they want to hear my suggestions, I am thinking of some solutions. Please let me know what you think of these ideas.
1. Let me come in during math and pull her out for the right level math. She can still be required to take whatever test they give to assess kindergarten skill proficiency.
2. Allow dd to attend only 3.5 days so she can stay home with me for 1 day homeschool. This is what we do now. While I was hoping to return to full time work this year, I am okay waiting one more year. I know that the district does allow part time kindergarten.
3. Send her to first or second grade math (based on school assessment) but pair her up with a buddy who is a good reader but needs math help so the two can help each other out.
Do any if these make sense? I know I may never be asked for these but I want to be prepared just in case.