I understand that she is very advanced in math. Maybe take a look at the older kids in your district - how many take Algebra I as 6th or 7th graders? How many take Calc BC in 11th or earlier?

If there are significant numbers - entire classrooms of kids, not just one or two kids - there may be others who are advanced in math. Our district claims (not sure I believe it) that almost a third of 4th graders score 94th percentile or higher on the Spring MAP math test (and that score would translate to a 75th percentile score for a 6th grader). I do think that there are significant numbers of kids who are two years advanced in math, at least in the "good districts". Now whether they got there by hothousing or by natural math talent is a different matter.

I'm not sure anymore what represents two years ahead. Our district says if the 4th graders score 96th percentile or higher on MAP math (plus a few other lesser requirements), they skip 5th grade math and go into 6th grade math. What the heck is regular 6th grade math anyway, since it doesn't seem to be Pre-Algebra? Fortunately my snowflake pulled a 98th percentile score today, so I don't need to be "that parent".

The problem for your kid is that she is ready for advanced math now, not in 5th grade. Unfortunately, in our district, 5th grade is the first opportunity to go into advanced math. This is DD9's first year at this school, so she may not have suffered years of boredom in math class, but there are plenty of others who have been waiting from K-4th to do some more challenging math.

It is a problem, but not sure how to address it. Our kids went to a private school in early elementary. Not more advanced, but it was foreign language immersion so that helped keep them busy. I really don't see this issue addressed in our district until kids are older (5th grade and beyond). There are always kids in our district that take Pre-Algebra in 5th grade - they just take the middle school bus and take a first period math class, then are bussed back to elementary. Find out if there are accommodations like this when she is a little older. I know that fifth grade seems like a long time away. Good luck with the process.