So today when I went to pick up dd from her current private school, her teacher and I started talking and I mentioned, for no reason, my frustration with public school and how I may just keep dd in the school for one more year. The teacher said that if I decide to do that, my dd would be very happy in ms. Y's class. Ms.y teaches 1st to 5th grade in a multi age small class of 10 students. I was a bit shocked to hear this and reminded teacher that dd will be in k next year so will continue in her class. Teacher said that she and ms.y have been talking about dd and thinking that she would be a better fit in the elementary class than the primary next year. Teacher admitted that there was not much she could offer next year if dd stayed in her class. I was obviously taken by surprise with this conversation. So I asked her if we can setup a time to sit down and talk about what this would mean. The cynical part of me feels the school is trying to lure us to stay but if it means dd will be happier, then I am okay. Dd of course heard this whole conversation and has been spinning dizzy with happiness singing ," I am going to skip kindergarten. First grade, here I come." I am trying to reel in her excitement, lol!