Originally Posted by aeh

There are certainly as many problem professionals in education as in any other; I guess the difference is that they affect children, who are not in a position to advocate effectively for themselves.

I think most of them somehow ended up in DD's school. Ok that was a joke (probably a bad one). I just don't understand how there can be so many incompetent people there. How could i have sat through an IEP meeting with the principal, teacher, OT and ST and none of them had the foggiest idea how a child would qualify for help with writing. Or else they were being deliberately obtuse which is even worse(although they did seem genuinely clueless, and not particularly interested in finding out either, til I made phone calls and started complaining). And even the special ed director for the district never heard of dysgraphia. When the parents are more educated than the staff, it seems pointless to even try. I've given up this year, in terms of getting something in place for DD. Hopefully different staff at a different school will be better but I'm trying to be realistic.