Thanks all. I have totally calmed down. It's just the culmination of it from all year long, ya know? I am going to ask her about it, though... but not confrontational and depending on how she answers I will say that it was disheartening since he tried all year to get to do it and what a "good sport" he was about graciously "letting someone else have a chance" even though he has never had a chance himself. I have a few other questions for her so I plan to just work it in and not be adversarial but still point it out. I think asking her about it and pointing out indirectly that I have noticed is worth something. I am also gonna try to work in the same convo that I noticed in her 'teacher input form' for the AT eval that she failed to mention anything about his writing difficulties (she instead talked his being "argumentative," "oppositional" and "distractible" instead of mentioning anything about the very fact of why we need the AT eval in the first place - the fact that he can not write) - why ? Does she not see that as impeding his learning and functioning at school? I am just going to play very curious and confused. Why it wasn't mentioned at all? Anyway, we'll see... I plan on being casual and just playing really naïve and curious. And maybe I won't say anything at all. It just depends on how things are flowing. The year is almost over, thank God and there are certainly worse things.

But thanks to you all for supporting me while vented! The only people that really get it, I think, are the parents of the 2Es smile so thanks ...

Last edited by Irena; 05/08/14 08:59 PM.