
I do very much understand that many families (probably more in this forum than elsewhere) go through years of frustration, and often more than one unprofessional or incompetent professional.

(And I don't think you're arguing with me! That was a real experience you had, with a teacher who clearly set out to sabotage your attempt to obtain objective data. Plus, there's a reason we homeschool our own.)

I'm in a position to see a fair number of students of various types (and their past evals and interventions) coming out of different school systems, and it is quite apparent that certain settings are more conducive to this situation. I try to do my little bit to change the experience and trajectory for families in a positive direction...

There are certainly as many problem professionals in education as in any other; I guess the difference is that they affect children, who are not in a position to advocate effectively for themselves.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...