Originally Posted by ultramarina
Your son's school sounds pretty intense. Public or private? Perhaps a competitive district? What are the expectations he is not meeting? What is he able and unable to do? In K, most kids can't really read or write much yet, or do math beyond facts 1 to 10 and counting to 100.

I think so too but others have said it is also par for K. So I'm uncertain. As mentioned, they have to read level D readers to pass K, and are expected to write fairly expressively (still I'm uncertain about what is required). For an example, I would say 70% of the children are writing independent sentences with very legible letters. A lot have progressed to good spelling as well. Counting to 100, plus they write to 100, skip counting, as well as counting by 5's, 10's. I don't think those math skills are required, just counting to 20?

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.