We didn't have any say in the criteria for choosing students for Lego. If we do it again we'll be SURE to set down a concrete framework for appropriate skills and behaviors.

I guess I didn't answer your question about the issue with having non-SNAP kids. There isn't an issue as long as the SNAP kids get their first and fair shot at attending. Without going into too many details - the parent who said that security will have to drag them out is one of those squeaky wheel parents. I told Admin that I didn't want any problems and that I'd make the room for the child but Admin said no to this individual. There's nothing I can do about that.

At or Chess Club we never turn anyone away because our supplies aren't as limited and specific as with Lego. We have 30 chess sets. If more than 60 kids show up they'll just hang out until a board opens up - hasn't happened yet. We usually get around 50 kids.

"Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve." -Roger Lewin