Your DS’s profile is very close to my DS who is now 10 (he was tested at 7.5) – his VCI and PRI are almost identical. My DS’s WMI is lower and PSI is higher. By the time he was tested, he had already been grade skipped once and we tested him for admission to an HG program. He has been in that program for 3 years and it was good for the first 2 and it is ok now. He is not going back next year.

I will tell you a few of the issues that have come up with this type of profile for us. First, his mind is fast, but production is slow. He has never been the type of kid to blast through work. His written output is just starting to catch up – I believe this is partly age, but the relatively lower PSI has been an issue in completing work (his PSI is 109). He also has some executive function deficits. Organization is an issue, memory is good because his WMI is in the gifted range (though not as strong as your DS) but he forgets assignments, lunch boxes, etc. . and needs reminders to initiate and persist through tasks sometimes, especially those that are mundane or tedious or challenging for him. We work on breaking assignments down and setting small goals to complete homework or projects.

My DS could use another skip at this point for the academic part, but because of the executive function issues, we are going to do a combination of online classes and brick and mortar next year – as a 6th grader. He will be able to do some subject acceleration through the online.