Hi! I have just found you all via the private psychologist who tested my boy; she recommended we look into the DYS program. First, I am working with the school to accelerate him two grades and wondered if anyone had any experience accomplishing this. Second, I am wondering how to best help him.

I have just started to read the forums but if you have a handy link or reference, I'd love to view it as I have a TON of material to sift through right now.

And I guess I should post some about him.

He is 8 and in second grade; he's very bouncy and talkative but just an overall great kid. His test results just came back with:

Verbal Comprehension (VCI) 158 (>99.9%)
Perceptual Reasoning (PRI) 133 (99%)
Working Memory (WMI) 141 (99.7%)
Processing Speed (PSI ) 88 (21%)
Full Scale (FSIQ) 141 (99.7%)
General Abilities Index (GAI) 155 (>99.9)

Thank you in advance! :-)